Tuesday, May 26, 2009

lessons from spock...

There are certain people you don't want to see films with. I'm one of them. I will critically analyze the script, dialogue, innuendos, acting, and over-arching theme of the movie. I believe there are life lessons in every movie and I will point them out before the credits begin to roll. 

For instance, at the end of Disney Pixar's Wall-E, I cried. Yes, people, I cried! My siblings looked at me and thought I cracked or something. As I wiped tears from my face I exclaimed, Don't you see it? It's the message of the gospel! Wall-E is like Jesus who gave his life for humanity, he spoke in ways that no one could understand, and he was rejected by the person he loved the most: you and I. He even died like Jesus, then came back to life... to life?! Then I cried some more.

Yes, I'm that girl. 

This weekend I became a bona fide Trekkie and succumbed to the pressure of the Force (or is that Star Wars? Whatever.). No, I'm not a sci-fi nerd, I just had to share what I learned about faith from Captain Spock. Yes, I said Spock. Bad eye brows and pointy ears aside, he uttered a profound truth that is still ringing in my head. The ideology of Vulcan philosophy believes in pure logic and a lifestyle devoid of emotion; rationality trumps probability. Yet, after living a life pure logic, Spock confesses to his counterpart that he had to make a decision that would be seemingly illogical. The young Spock looks at his future self and ask, So you took a risk? Which, in Vulcan ideology is unthinkable. The wise Spock confidently yet humbly replied, No, it was faith. 

The writer of Hebrews tells us faith is being sure of what we hope for, certain of things we do not see (11:1). Though we don't know who wrote Hebrews, I'm going to say that he taught Spock a lesson or two. So before the credits roll, let me tell you that sometimes it may feel that living a life for Jesus is illogical and irrational, but it's not a risk... it's faith. Faith that God will do what He says He will do in our lives. For, like Paul says, He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ (Phil. 1:6). 


Lindsay said...

Thanks for this Bianca. It totally resonates with me at the moment. There are some things in my life that are still to come yet I know that God has them all sorted out. How great is it that we can rest and have peace knowing that however illogical or irrational life seems, God has us in the palm of His hand!

Quirky Christa said...

Hmmm...you've definitely given me something to think about.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure who is more nerdy ... me or you?

Bianca said...

Lindsay, WHY are you up at 3:57am?! You're crazy :)
Christa, how's the baby bump? Did you think about naming the baby BIANCA? I like it!
Anon, um, there's no doubt in my mind that I'M the bigger nerd. Hands down. I take books the gym, I color-code my notes, and LOVE Ira Glass' This American Life. AND I reside in Dorkville :)

Mom said...

So very true BB! Jesus is not a risk He is an investment for life.............HERE AND BEYOND!


Lindsay said...

He he...I live in the UK so I wasn't up at 3:57...it was more like 11:57 over here. Does that make me a little less crazy?!

Diandra Ann said...

Um... I want to see a movie with you :) But I think we might clear the theatre... I have a tenancy to make comments as well :)

His Jewel said...

Does color coding things like notes, color coding your clothes in the closet and reading make you a nerd? ha ha ha Then sign me up! Although I've never heard Ira Glass before.

It might be interesting to go to a movie with you because I usually just watch and enjoy the movie. I have trouble getting the "theme" of anything usually. It's sad I know. Some times the theme is obvious, but most of the time it's not (for me). =(

Nicole said...

I hope everyone has a little nerd in them...I know I do.

I did NOT even see that in Wall-E. My church is about to start their God at the Movies series and Wall-E is in the line up. It will be interesteing to see what they deduce.

You have been blogging up a storm so far...keep it up!

Tara Harman said...

I loved that movie!! I had never seen Star Trek before but I am indeed now a fan... and a Spock fan for sure.

Nina49a said...

'Sigh'- great post. I will send you a FB messsage and fill you in on our latest 'step of faith'
...is it me or is Spock kinda... hot?

P.S. remind me never to see a movie with you(;

Anonymous said...

Great post BB!!! Lesson learned...lesson rec'd! ;)


Bianca said...

Nina, I'm {slightly] dramatic. I don't talk in the middle of movies or answer my cell phone to discuss theologial implications of Enchanted or anything. I will, however, discuss this stuff over coffee or pinkberry (with mango and mochi). Hurry and send the email!
Tara, I TOTALLY didn't want to go, but I'm SO glad I did. It was uberfabulous.
Nic, dude that series sounds SICK! Do you guys podcast? What church do you go to? I've been wanting to do a filmology thing at my church for sometime. Hook a sista' up!
J, I STILL have your birthday gift. If you don't claim it by next week, I'm saving it for next year!!! PS Let's have a dinner at Diane's house. I'll bring Spock ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. Couple of grammatical niggles:

I think you meant "succumbed" instead of "succumb" and "eye brows" instead of "eye browns."

Also, rationality trumps probability? Isn't the definition of rationality closely tied to the understanding of what is most probable?

This comment's not meant to be posted, I just found these bits detracted from your overall point (which was a good one).

Bianca said...

Anonymous, point noted and corrections made :)

For future reference, if you don't want a comment to be posted, you can send me a message through facebook so to not feel obligated to stand behind anonymity :) Thanks!!! PS Is this Mel?

Anonymous said...

Now I want to see the movie more...and WallE. Thanks for the insight...Girlfriend! Hector G.

Rosie P said...

Great post, very inspiring. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work - it's great seeing someone share the gospel in such a relevant and down to earth - and passionate - way. :D

Quirky Christa said...

lol...I just mentioned the name Bianca to my hubby (no response yet) I had no idea picking a name for a baby would be so hard.
I watched your videos last night, you're so good. God has definitely blessed you. I wish I lived closer so I could see you "live" :)

Anonymous said...

Now I want to see Wall E. Willie has told Eric and I to see it but we never listened!!

Marnee said...

Hey Bianca! I do the same thing with movies, and books, and songs, and circumstances, and basically everything that is around. You can see reflections of truth in this world because it is all His creation, even though it is marred by sin, suffering and death. I wrote a poem on my blog, it's back in the archives, about seeing God all around me, called Moving Pictures.
Love ya.


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