Thursday, March 25, 2010

spotlight: renee johnson...

Renee Johnson is one of those girls who once you meet, you won't forget! Upon meeting her we spoke about all things important: boys, writing, quality television, and well, God. See, she has a big heart and believes passionate about getting into God's Word daily.

She asked me to be part of her blog tour for her forthcoming book, Faithbook of Jesus, but instead, I'd want you to hear in her own words why she does what she does. Enjoy!

How did you first get started writing?
I started journaling when I was a young girl. I took all my emotions to the feet of Jesus. At first I just thought my journals and devotional time was between me and Him, but eventually it bubbled over into a love to help spur other people forward in their daily time with Him!

What has your ministry journey looked like in the past couple years?
The past couple years have been both exciting and scary. I got my dream job over two years ago working for Outreach Events. I loved it. I got to work with some AMAZING speakers and comedians, pastor's and churches. It was truly a dream come true after watching my parents in ministry my whole life. Then when I got my book contract with NavPress to write my first book, a daily devotional for 20-somethings I couldn't handle the stress of both. It truly grieved my heart to give up something I loved, but once I obeyed God blessed me by calling me into full time ministry.

What do you plan on doing in the next couple years?
Speaking, writing more books, and gathering together as many 20's as I can and encourage them to get into the Word daily! I also am using my non-profit, Devotional Diva Ministries to help launch other individuals such as pastor's, speakers, and writers and ministries such as churches to help brand them so they can launch their ministry online! Using the skills I have with websites, marketing, branding, and social media it's been my pleasure to help launch 3-5 ministries in the past 7 months!

If you could give one message to blog readers, what would it be?
Spur others forward. Hebrews 10:24, says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." It's amazing the people and connections in ministry I've been able to make because I'm truly invested in spurring others forward. Once you lose your life you realize how desperate humanity is and how we're all looking to be loved and found loved by Him. If you can grasp this, then serving other people isn't as hard as you thought it would be!

To find out more about Renee and her ministry, you can check out her blog!


Raquel said...

It's awesome to know of other young women with the same vision and passion.

Hebrews 10:24 was a very timely word.

Diandra Ann said...

Awesome! What a cool idea!

Dana said...

Very awesome interview!! Totally missed this blog yesterday!! Many blessings to both of you in sharing God's word and promises!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Raquel, Diandra Ann, and Dana! I <3 Bianca and it's awesome to know that I'm not alone and that there are other amazing women out there!!! :)

thetrippychick said...

God is so good!! Thanks Bianca for sharing this interview, and thanks Renee for sharing your story! Both of you are such wonderful, living examples of how we can change our world every day. I post a new scripture on my facebook every day - and whether they like it or not 500+ people are exposed to the word :) It's amazing what a small status change can do for a HUGE number of people. We serve an amazing God who can use us - no matter where we have come from :) Someday, I hope to reach people with comedy and maybe we can work together! God bless you both!!!


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