As millions of Americans sat around their dining room table to celebrate Thanksgiving with mounds of muffins and pounds of potatoes, 35.9 million people struggled to find a meal. Three decades later, McGovern's words prophetically have come to pass as evidence indicates the existing system is failing a vast number of Americans

Yes, poverty is a reality in America. 12.9 million children are either living in homelessness or part of a new social group, working poor. Almost 50% of children living in poverty are African American or Hispanic and many more are undocumented citizens surviving on one meal a day. 3.4 million senior citizens live in poverty and make less than $10,000 a year.
Our lives end the moment we become silent about the things that matter. (Martin Luther)
Poverty isn't a continent away--it's in our backyard. This past Thanksgiving, over 300 volunteers did something which mattered. I'm so proud to have worked with CCM and Mariners church on such a great event. But the journey doesn't end here. You, me, we, us need to do something. Get involved and do something that matters!

And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. (Matthew 10:42)
I agree! As Christians we need to het out of the "me" complex and think of others first!
We had a homeless drive in Miami too. You think you go out there to bless, but you're blessed by it too.
Here at home, we have many organizations that help the homeless and those with other needs, and it is sad to see the sign-up list. The Nursing Home sigh-up sits with two names, while the Ladies Tea Time is booked. And we call ourselves Christians!? It really does upset me.
love love love it! thanks for this post, Bianca!
It is a difficult realization that poverty and homelessness is all around us...I'm thankful and overwhelmed to see what has come to pass as two unlikely churches were able to come together with the common focus of loving and serving Gods people...I pray it is an example that opens our eyes and allows us to be empty vessels waiting to be used!! Thanks for your sharing your love for God that has enabled you to love his people B!
<3 Epinephrine 8-)
Have you seen that youtube video "the $8 hot dog?"
i knew you were doing this and i didnt even think aout helping until it was too late and now im bummed i missed out. maybe next year! glad it went so well! sooooooo proud of you!
Having lived next door to Montebello for part of my life (Pico Rivera), I appreciate what your church did for the community. People get back so much when we give a little of ourselves. Thank you!
That is a meaningful issue. Sometimes I think there is little I can personally do for the hungry because the issue is so large, but the words from Jesus are inspiring.
Thursday was amazing. So many coming under one accord, to be used by and for the glory of Christ. I was overwhelmed by the faces I had seen as I walked through the grounds. I asked myself a question and still ask today..did I do enough?. I have so much and they so little. could I have done more?
Thursday was amazing. So many coming under one accord, to be used by and for the glory of Christ. I was overwhelmed by the faces I had seen as I walked through the grounds. I asked myself a question and still ask today..did I do enough?. I have so much and they so little. could I have done more?
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