Wednesday, April 7, 2010

news, hints, and incourage...

There's some big news I want to share with you all, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. There's so many details I need to sort through and right now, I can't even think straight. Here's a hint: it starts with en- and ends with -gaged. Oh yeah, baby, you heard right!

In the mean time, it's my monthly post on (in)courage, a website of collected writings from different women from around the country. If you've never checked it out, take some time to check it out! The bloggers are amazing and I'm honored to write alongside of them.

To read the post in it's entirety or post a comment, click here:

The room filled will chattering girls, laughing boys, and shushing teachers. It was chapel time. The mandatory, one-hour service where all good Christian kids go and eagerly await a required bible study.

Tough crowd.

They were the Christian picture of scholastic perfection. Pressed uniforms, light makeup for girls, neatly combed hair for boys. I began to share on the given topic for chapel that particular day, but something was amiss. There was an air of hypocrisy creeping into the room and choking hold of the dark truth in hearts and minds.

I've turned off comments here so you can join the conversation at (in)courage!


mac said...

The only thing I can say ever and ever is: CONGRATULATIONS! :-)

I think you will never forget this moment and you will share it with your grandchildren.

I wish you and Matt a wonderful and never ending Love and Life together...with all you ever wanted...

With all my Love,
Markus :-)

Betty Bake said...

OH WOW !!! Congratulations!!! wow wow wow :)

if i was in your country - i'd offer ti do photos :)

congrats again

Beth said...

congratulations - absolutely thrilled for you!

Lyndsay Almeida said...

holy crap-congratulations!!!!!!!

Jason said...

Congrat----wait for it----ulations!

Monika said...

Wow, it is amazing news!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diandra Ann said...

AHHHHHH!!! Soooooo excited. Again. Can I just comment on EVERYTHING you have so you know how EXCITED I am?

Dionna said...

Congratulations! Enjoy this time where that huge smile stays on your face. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bi!! We are soooooo happy for you!! We love you :) Eric and Lisa

Rebecca said...

SO exciting. Congratulations Bianca!!!!!

{Jennifer.Rose} said...

Congratulations Bianca!

Love the post on incourage as well, sometimes I forget the little teeny bopper that I was, with a hard head and big mouth that spewed everything I thought I knew.

But then I became a mother one day and realized I really knew nothing.;)

ella said...

WOW Congratulations!

May you have the best marriage yet!

Renay. said...

God bless America! YEEEAAAYYY! Are you like totally happy to be like alive right now... isn't it like the best feeling in the world? [And why did I all of a sudden get a valley girl accent?]I'm sooo excited for you, B. And may I say, "Nice Rock!" Rock the Rock (I mean in the name of The Rock, of course!)! Love you... Congrats!

christy said...

CONGRATULATIONS B!!!!!!! Soooo happy for you!

Marcus Murphy said...

::smile:: love you my friend! ::smile::

Andrea Husted said...

OMGoodness! So excited for you Bianca! Congratulations to you and Matt. Such a bright future ahead for you two :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats girl...

and loved the post today at

Michelle said...

Congratulations Bianca! Can't wait to hear the beautiful story! YAY!


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