Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Video Post: why are christians so ignorant...

Why Are Christians So Ignorant? from Bianca Juarez on Vimeo.

What can we do as Christians to educate ourselves? More importantly, what are you doing to educate yourself? Readers are leaders, share your booklists :)

For more infomration about Lumen and the amazing speakers who will be there, check out website and register for FREE. See you at Mariners on the 31st!

Please pray for Haiti. If it's the most you can do, it's the least you can do.


bleev said...

I actually can't see your video due to restrictions on my firewall... but I get SO excited about helping the church realize that Christianity is an entire worldview and it affects every way we interact with society! I recently read a book by Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries/once part of President Nixon's team... called How Now Shall We Live. It's an incredible book in all 480 of its pages, laying out why it's important that we KNOW what we really believe as Christians. And how what we believe plays out in how we live. In his last years of his life, he is committed to raising up Christians to really understand their faith - in order to prepare them to really encounter and transform culture and society. You can find SO many resources on ANY topic listed here: - From education to post-modernism or public office to intelligent design or movies to the homeless... This is a GREAT resource that references both current and ancient Christians and their biblical worldview. If you're interested in chatting more about this, I'd love to!


Anonymous said...

Bianca, I sent you that email.

I didn't think you'd respond.

I still don't think it was a good answer, but at least you are encouraging people to stop being ignorant.

Good job.

Bianca said...

@Bethany: I LOVED THAT BOOK! Colson rocked my world.

@Anonymous: I hope you attend Lumen 1.31!

Diandra Ann said...

You are a very smart girl. I wish I could be at the event. Hope it goes well!

And @anonymous... I hope you go and hear what they have to say. Because unfortunately so many people base their relationship and understanding of God on their experiences with Christians. The fact is that Christians are people and people are imperfect. Someone once said that Christians fall, get up. Fall, get up. Fall, and get up again... all the way to Heaven. The fact is that Christians are not perfect. PEOPLE are not perfect. But God is perfect. hope you get to see a little of that :)

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

You = RAD. The end.

Jenn said...

Thanks, Bianca!

@Anonymous: I'm glad you continually come back. Bianca has set up a place where we can dialogue. I hope you see that she is not ignorant and CARES about being more knowledgable in the things of God.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bianca:
So true yet so hurtful to hear that is happening at churches these days, I have seen family and friends that they spend every day at church “helping” people just from that church if you don’t there or don’t belong to their groups. Don’t you dare to ask for a helping hand, they looked at you like how come you are asking me that, you are such a sinner! So cynical to see those people hugging other when they reject their own family just because they don’t go to church as much as they do, have they think about the fact that they have been stumbling us, or my boss he yelled at us at work like hell, but he is the one that is directing traffic, saying God Bless you bother, but he cannot bless the rest of us? I am so confused and I don’ think it is ignorance but an arrogant people that believe that because they spend every single day at church , they are better than us, wasn’t that what Jesus criticized the most?

KS*Rebecca said...

Bianca, I read Hosea 4:6 an hour ago it was quoted in my daily devotional on Streaming Faith! So cool that you talk about it today also, maybe you get Streaming Faith too? Anyways great post.

Anonymous- I think its great your still here, hope you get gutsy and come out from behind the curtains.

The Montgomerys said...

Great response to that question!!! Very inspiring. I want to love boldy like excited about what He going to do on Jan 31st, wish I still lived in Cali <3

Bianca said...

For those who are interested, I believe they will be livestreaming the conference, too! Woohoo :)

*KS: I don't read that devotional, but Hosea is one of my favorite books :)

Anonymous said...

B You hit the nail on the head at 1:43. Sometimes we get so consumed with ourselves and life, know I have, that we miss the point and forget what we were commanded to do, Love Go with all our heart soul and mind and Love our neighbor as ourself. Jesus made Himself accessible to everyone. He was not born in a Palace restricted from certain people reaching Him - He came ad dwelt amongst those whom society looked down upon and loved on them. And as you say once we allow God's word to get a hold of us and dwell in our hearts only then will we have the heart of Jesus and can be His hands and his feet. Let's not conceal the Light and limit it to certain peoples but reflect it for everyone to see and have access to it.

I teach that Sunday but will try to slip out towards that way if possible.

christy said...

Thanks for the vlog! Great post!

Jasmine said...

I love you for moving Christian education bless me. Alot.


D TO THE G said...

Sorry - I was the anonymous who said you hit the nail on the head lol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info about LUMEN 131 it sounds absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wish I was able to attend the discussion on the 31st but unfortunately I can't. =( I love discussing topics and asking questions. lol I definitely love expressing my opinion. Anyway...

What you said in your video is so true! Very insightful.

ruthie said...

Word! My new favourite word is word, and in this case, today I am using it because I completely agree with you. I listened to this message twice, partly to see if you answered the question that was presented. I believe you did. What I loved the best was that the Bible can be summed up in two sentences. Love the Lord. Love your neighbour. When you love something, you try to learn as much about it as possible. When Jesus was on the earth, He knew about things. He knew about people. Because He strove to learn about them. He chose to hang out with these people to learn about them. He did not close His eyes and pretend they did not exist and hang out only with the “godly”. On the other hand, He also did not participate in the ways of the world.

Sometimes we as Christians will argue without knowing things. We will debate others without understanding what they are going through or where they are coming from or the history of them and their circumstances. Just because we open our eyes does not mean we have to agree. It does not mean we will automatically “turn” to anything or become anything. It’s imperative to be educated in this world because we live in it. But we can stop short of “loving the world” and becoming “of it.” I think that’s what Paul meant in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.

Long story short, Bianca, you rock.

francine said...

bianca, girl you've got some gift! praise the Lord that you are willing to share your thoughts with the rest of us. keep 'em coming :)

Angel Pope said...

It always seems to me when these questions come that the people asking become just as offensive as the Christians they are persecuting. Sure there are Christians out there that only walk the walk but do not truly epitomize what Jesus would have us do. But that is the nature of humans. Have you ever met a perfect human, Christian or not?

One person or a group of people can ruin it for the rest. And, just like in the media, the bad things tend to be noticed much more frequently than the truly good things.

So I think it is quite presumptive to consider Christians, as a whole, ignorant. I think it is better to consider our individual relationship with the Lord and focus only on that, not what others are doing or how they are acting.

While I appreciate the question, though I question the reason for the anonymous status, I just don't think it was a topic worth addressing. That being said, Bianca, I think you did a fine job at providing your best answer.

Dear Anonymous, I'm not criticizing you because I used to be in the same shoes as you. One of my best friends behaved in a manner that seemed completely contradictory to the things she supposedly believed in when it came to her church. I hung out with her outside of church and saw that she lived two different lives. So I get where you are coming from and I hope that you will keep an open heart and realize that it is unfair to hold anything against God due to the behavior of an imperfect man or imperfect group of people. As a Christian, I may not like my interpretation of your attitude, but I love you as a child of God. Seriously. Be blessed.


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