Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:3
Linear thinking on Sunday afternoon at 4:03pm: I don't need a new car. I
want a new car. I miss my
BMW. Honda's aren't cool. [Insert long sigh here.]
I realized this small fact as I sat in Santa Monica, ate at a
vegan restaurant, and watched young Hollywood drive by with their convertible tops down. Thoughts began to run through my head and desire seeped through my pores.
But I want it. I sighed, ate my tofu burger, and recalculated my finances in attempts to convince myself that I can once again drive a depreciating luxury good with a convertible top. [Insert long sigh here.]
Because God is hilarious and drops reminders that He's all I need, I get a love-note from God in my morning devotions.
Keep your lives free from the love of money...
Me: Check! God, you know I totally I don't love money, right?
God: Bianca, have you tithed this month yet?
Me: Well, um, [cough, cough], you see God, I've been really busy and I... okay, no I haven't.
Be content with all you have...
Me: I'm totally content, right God?
God: Every day you ask for something that you promise me you can't live without. Do you think you're content?
Me: Well, um, [cough, cough], you see God, I really want... okay, I'll own it! No, I'm not content in all areas of my life.
God has said, "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you."
God: Do you believe me? Do you believe I will never leave you? I know what you need. I won't let you down.
Once again the vortex of Want sucked me in. Instead of recalculating my finances, I need to recalibrate my thinking. God has never let me down. I've written about it here, journaled about it, spoke about to groups of people about it, but I needed a reminder. Sometimes I think we all do...
Me: God, you are have never left me. Thank you for my Honda. [Insert long sigh here.] But just so know, I think I might
die if I never have a
Louis Vuitton purse. Just kidding! Well, half kidding.